[Thesis Submission Deadline]
The thesis submission deadline for this semester is Friday, February 7, 2025. Please ensure you manage your time accordingly.
[Hard Copy Thesis Submission Process]
[Thesis Review Timeline]
Q: How long does the thesis review process take after uploading?
A: Typically, feedback is provided within two working days. However, as the submission deadline approaches, processing times may increase due to the high volume of submissions. Please plan your schedule carefully to avoid missing the clearance deadline.
[Thesis Format]
Q: What should I do if my department/advisor requires a thesis format different from the university's standard?
A: Follow the format specified by your department/advisor as a priority.
[Plagiarism Similarity Check]
Q: Does the university require a similarity report for theses?
A: For students admitted in or after the 112th academic year, the Registration Office mandates a similarity check for theses prior to graduation. The specific similarity review criteria are determined by each department, follow the requirements of your department.
Q: Is there a specific similarity percentage that must be met?
A: The Registration Office does not currently impose a specific requirement. If your department has established guidelines, adhere to those standards.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments